Sunday, October 6, 2013

A poem by Alice Gardner from a book I bought from her several years ago entitled "Life Beyond Belief"


Holding each person 
as the perfect and amazing work 
of mystery made manifest
is the source
of the joy of truly being
with the wonder of each other.

Accepting all imperfections 
within this greater perfection
and remembering the sacredness 
of the mystery 
that made each of us
just This way,
restores our ease,
awakens our delight.

No more
becoming someone separate
to act out a drama, 
even a happy story. 
Another way has appeared: 
simply releasing any outcome,
of wanting, needing, or getting anything.
A simple acceptance of what is Here
no more, no less, than just This.
Now there is nothing
but the wondrous and total satisfaction
of being complete.